Summer 2025!!
Join me in Ecotherapy for Human Growth & Soul Care, an intimate 26-hour in person and on-line training in which we will embrace the opportunity and responsibility to be nature-connected, ecologically literate, development oriented, and soul embodied practitioners while learning approaches to collaborating with the more-than-human world.
Why development and soul care focus? Attachment and connection to our local environments is an important part of human development. Development and attachment tend to be a single course in graduate school (actually attachment is not really addressed) but is forgotten after the exam and rarely applied in counseling work. This is a significant error and causes therapists to 'miss' their clients. People rarely come to therapy if they do not have impasses in their familial, cultural, and/or nature developmental tasks. When these tasks and needs are not met, maturation of our personality and soul is stunted. This training explores our biological, instinctual, intuitive, and spiritual selves and how to integrate attachment, development, and soul into our work with ourselves and our clients. This is not just about feeling a little better outdoors. We engage practical attachment and development models for the social self and the soul self. We'll weave in polyvagal theory, experiments and interventions for outdoor or indoor ecotherapy, the felt sense, connection with your local environment, imagination/imagery, and ritual and ceremony. This training is not meant to be prescriptive, but generative; to catalyze your own awareness of nature, body, magic, intuition, imagination, and creativity in natural settings. You are also likely to find this course personally nourishing. These ideas and experientials are vital at a time when the domestication of our planet, our lifestyles, our emotions, our body, and the field of psychotherapy itself is at an all-time high – threatening the health and sanity of the human animal and global ecosystems. This training is available for individual practitioners or practitioner groups. 2025 training dates are below, and additional trainings are available for group practices. Please inquire through email or the Contact page to see how this training will fit your needs and desires to transform your work. *You will receive an Ecotherapy certificate upon completion of the training. If you continue to do additional consultation hours within 3 months of the training, you will receive a certificate with cumulative hours. Consultations may include application to specific clients, review of more nature and body-based experiments and interventions, and/or nature-mentoring to deepen your own knowledge of and creativity in your Place. **What makes this training unique? While this is obviously not an exhaustive training for competent ecotherapy, this is a high-quality beginning or continuation that offers practical teachings and experiments for yourself and clients, with additional training in gestalt, development, and attachment. Information in the workshop can be useful for therapists, coaches, or other helpers working in outpatient, traditional therapy settings, with individuals, couples, families or groups in urban, suburban, park or front-country locations. And this is offered at a very affordable cost. Many Ecotherapy trainings are long and expensive. Ongoing learning opportunities will be shared. |

Workshop content includes:
- Your visions and dreams of a nature-connected practice and world
- Your Therapist Magick! Set yourself up for success through nature, element, & spirit collaborations
- Ecological Identity: Assessing appropriateness & developing an empowered sense of self in natural ecosystems
- Practice P.E.G.: 3 of the most helpful qualities for any kind of therapist
- Development of Relational Humans: Understand the role of Contact; Learn attachment cycle & useable personality and soul development models
- Safety & Regulation in Nature: Considering our sensuous, mammalian bodies and nervous systems with Polyvagal concepts
- Developing the uncommon assets: Naturalist Intelligence, Ecological literacy, Intuition
- Explore the 6 Ecotherapy Portals
- Models of engaging with nature that can be used clinically and mindfully
- Nature-based applications and collaborations: Specific openings and experientials to apply to your clients
- Structure & facilitation of nature-based sessions
- Practical & logistical considerations of moving sessions outdoors
- We'll be using the Freeman Attachment Theory and Human Development Model and applying to nature-based work

The in-person portion of the workshop will be split: 2 days will take place in Golden at our ranch on Lookout Mountain, with access to our cabin, land space, horses, and wildlife. The third day will be at a local natural area approximately 10 minutes from our ranch.
Our land and neighborhood are welcoming and home to human and more-than-human inhabitants. The dominant presence of beautiful Douglas-Fir trees creates the ecology for mule deer, elk, fox, nuthatches, goldfinches, Steller's jays, coyote, great-horned owls, sharp-shinned hawks, red-tail hawks and many others to thrive. Come visit, engage, and learn from them!
Format & Cost:
The 2025 workshop has 3 parts (no pre-recordings, all live!):
-- Two on-line meetings; Zoom sessions will take place pre- and post- the immersion.
-- Three-day, weekend immersion west of Golden, Colorado; 10:00am-5:30pm each day
--One hour of Private consultation (on-line or in-person depending on where you live)
The 3-day immersion will take place on June 6th-8th, 2025. The pre-immersion zoom call will include participant introductions, will introduce some soul-based philosophy, and I share ecotherapy in my style and get therapists or coaches inspired to experiment with nature-based therapy in early spring/summer season!
Cost: The whole 26-hour workshop (immersion, on-line, private consultation) is only $650! The training includes handouts, PowerPoint outlines, discussions, experientials, reflections, and client consultations. Payments can be made in full or up to 3 payments.*See cancellation policy.
Call or email if interested a brief informational phone conversation about this workshop.
This workshop is also for-hire for individuals and private practices or small groups interested in their own private training.
*If you cancel prior to 4 months of the training start date, you can receive your full payment back minus a $50 admin fee. If you cancel within 4 months of the training, you can either find a replacement for you to get your full payment back or you may forward your fee to a future training.
-- Two on-line meetings; Zoom sessions will take place pre- and post- the immersion.
-- Three-day, weekend immersion west of Golden, Colorado; 10:00am-5:30pm each day
--One hour of Private consultation (on-line or in-person depending on where you live)
The 3-day immersion will take place on June 6th-8th, 2025. The pre-immersion zoom call will include participant introductions, will introduce some soul-based philosophy, and I share ecotherapy in my style and get therapists or coaches inspired to experiment with nature-based therapy in early spring/summer season!
Cost: The whole 26-hour workshop (immersion, on-line, private consultation) is only $650! The training includes handouts, PowerPoint outlines, discussions, experientials, reflections, and client consultations. Payments can be made in full or up to 3 payments.*See cancellation policy.
Call or email if interested a brief informational phone conversation about this workshop.
This workshop is also for-hire for individuals and private practices or small groups interested in their own private training.
*If you cancel prior to 4 months of the training start date, you can receive your full payment back minus a $50 admin fee. If you cancel within 4 months of the training, you can either find a replacement for you to get your full payment back or you may forward your fee to a future training.
What are others saying about working with Kimberly?
"Stepping into the world of ecotherapy with Kimberly was a place of wonder and connection that filled my soul and inspired my mind. Kimberly embodies the methods she teaches; her expressions of presence and groundedness reveal pathways into the raw truth of being. I left the training in greater contact with my intuition, and I am equipped with resources and interventions that support following it, for myself and my work as a clinician. – Holly M., Colorado Therapist
"I looked for this training because I wanted to know on a practical level how to tap into the natural state of my/our beings as we learn to relate to others and the world around us. Now I have an intimate understanding of how to do this with myself and clients. This training was a coming home to my natural, connected self. I learned concrete tools through experiential learning outside, and integrating the learning via writing and processing everything together with Kimberly in a variety of beautiful outdoor and indoor settings. She is a powerful gentle force that has inspired me in so many ways in my work and life. After less than a week I’ve been able to use the eco therapy experiments and concepts in sessions with clients, even over telehealth. It has created a radical shift in the ways that I see things and my work with clients and I highly recommend investing in this training, regardless of your prior experience with the natural world." -Jennifer H., New York Therapist
"Attending Kimberly’s Ecotherapy training was a calling I am so glad I listened to. Immersed in nature and attunement- we learned, unlearned, slowed down, and were invited to remember what we already know. I left with the gift of my senses heightened, instinct in tune, and applications that have already been a hit with my clients." – Sara C., Colorado Therapist
"What impacted me most was the emphasis on being, here and now. I learned how to be present in nature, then how to be present with Self in an embodied way. This shift in being is a lesson I will carry with me as I embark on a career as a soulful mental health counselor." -Ann E., Colorado Therapist
"What a life-changing event! You are truly gifted. It was perfect timing for me to become aware of your work, while I'm discovering my path as a therapist. I appreciate your advice, presence, and teachings. You helped me go deeper into what resonates for me as well as learn other secrets to being a great therapist." -Merideth G., Colorado Therapist